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 Sujet du message: Leather steering wheel
MessagePosté: Lun 17 Aoû 2020, 0:06:47 
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Inscription: Dim 21 Juin 2020, 23:41:40
Messages: 104
Roule en: 605 TD 2.1l
Hey everyone!

I'm looking for leather steering wheel in as much as good condition as possible

Peugeot 605 phase 1 2.1 svdt 110HP


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 Sujet du message: Re: Leather steering wheel
MessagePosté: Mar 18 Aoû 2020, 21:25:27 
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Inscription: Sam 08 Oct 2011, 11:28:23
Messages: 195
For your information, the Phase II 605s with the SV finish have a leather wheel, the Executive and lesser finishes do not, so you could theoretically fit one of those.
The SV finish was available on the 2.5 diesel and the PRV/ES9 V6 petrol versions.
You can also fit a leather wheel from a 406 coupé.
But as you have a Phase I, you will find that the steering wheels from the above models have an airbag in the central boss. I don't think there was an airbag on the Phase I.
But there must also be some custom/aftermarket leather steering wheels to be found which would fit...

605 2.5 TD finition SV, 23/12/98, 240 000 km, velours, bleu de rhodes, cédée à Pepper9187
605 3.0 ES9 finition SV, 04/07/1997, 219 700 km, bvm, to, velours, rouge vulcain, vendue
Toyota Hilux Extracab 2.4TD (pickup 4x4), 10/10/1998, 220 000 km, blanche
Toyota 4-Runner 3.0 TD (break 4X4), 19/09/1994, 226 000 km, vert foncé
Volkswagen Passat SW break 2.0 177cv bva, 04/2014, 90 000 km, cuir noir, bleu nuit

 Sujet du message: Re: Leather steering wheel
MessagePosté: Mer 19 Aoû 2020, 22:57:27 
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Inscription: Dim 21 Juin 2020, 23:41:40
Messages: 104
Roule en: 605 TD 2.1l
Thank you for those info. I actually forgot to mention that I want steering wheel from phase 1. My 605 SV package came with leather st.wheel as it was manufactured by special order and its diesel btw, I am just looking for better one cause this skin is tearing apart due to long sun exposure.
Please if anyone has it for sale, hit me up

Peugeot 605 phase 1 2.1 svdt 110HP

 Sujet du message: Re: Leather steering wheel
MessagePosté: Jeu 20 Aoû 2020, 11:51:08 
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Inscription: Sam 08 Oct 2011, 11:28:23
Messages: 195
Perhaps the simplest solution would be to find a craftsman who could replace the leather of your present steering wheel. That's what I would try.

605 2.5 TD finition SV, 23/12/98, 240 000 km, velours, bleu de rhodes, cédée à Pepper9187
605 3.0 ES9 finition SV, 04/07/1997, 219 700 km, bvm, to, velours, rouge vulcain, vendue
Toyota Hilux Extracab 2.4TD (pickup 4x4), 10/10/1998, 220 000 km, blanche
Toyota 4-Runner 3.0 TD (break 4X4), 19/09/1994, 226 000 km, vert foncé
Volkswagen Passat SW break 2.0 177cv bva, 04/2014, 90 000 km, cuir noir, bleu nuit

 Sujet du message: Re: Leather steering wheel
MessagePosté: Sam 22 Aoû 2020, 15:44:39 
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Inscription: Dim 21 Juin 2020, 23:41:40
Messages: 104
Roule en: 605 TD 2.1l
leachim a écrit:
Perhaps the simplest solution would be to find a craftsman who could replace the leather of your present steering wheel. That's what I would try.

I thought about that option, but I doubt that there will be someone who has 9/10 similar leather. Today all they have is "eco-leather"

Peugeot 605 phase 1 2.1 svdt 110HP

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