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 Sujet du message: David, nouveau sur le forum !
MessagePosté: Jeu 29 Sep 2022, 15:01:02 
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Inscription: Jeu 29 Sep 2022, 14:43:03
Messages: 1
Roule en: Autre
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Je me prénome David et j'ai 48 ans :smile:

Tout d'abord, deux-trois infos sur moi :
    :arrow: Ma localisation : Paris
    :arrow: Ma situation familiale : Marié et 2 enfants (comme si une femme n'était pas déjà assez)
    :arrow: Mon métier : Jardinier (parc et jardin)
    :arrow: Mes passions/occupations : Le sport (basketball) et le jardinage
    :arrow: Le nombre de voitures que je possède : 1

A présent, ma 605 :razz: :

    :arrow: Phase : 1
    :arrow: Motorisation : TD 2.1 12s 110cv
    :arrow: Chevaux fiscaux : 6
    :arrow: Finition : SV

    :arrow: Millésime : 1990
    :arrow: Date 1ère immat. : 05/08/1990
    :arrow: Kilométrage : 175000

    :arrow: Déjà accidentée : Non
    :arrow: Contrôle technique OK : Oui
    :arrow: Date dernier contrôle technique : 21/12/2021

    :arrow: Boîte de vitesse : Manuelle
    :arrow: Couleur de carrosserie : Bleue foncée brillante (repeinte en garage)
    :arrow: Type/couleur sellerie : Noire d'origine en parfait état

    :arrow: Etat/travaux a prévoir :

Réservez-moi un bon accueil ! :dents:

Recherche une 605


 Annonces du forum Peugeot 605

 Sujet du message: Re: David, nouveau sur le forum !
MessagePosté: Ven 30 Sep 2022, 7:05:43 
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Inscription: Mar 24 Avr 2007, 23:00:00
Messages: 285
Bienvenue , en tout cas bravo pour ton courage pour conserver une "vieille" diesel sur Paris :-D

 Sujet du message: Re: David, nouveau sur le forum !
MessagePosté: Ven 30 Sep 2022, 8:48:58 
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Inscription: Jeu 28 Jan 2010, 15:58:50
Messages: 2284
Localisation: Poitiers 86
Roule en: 605 TD 2.5l

Mickaël roule en 605 depuis 1998
1-autrefois une 605 2.1 l td volée à 320000km
2 -une 605 2.5 EN pièces stockées
3-et une 605 SVDT 2.5l de 1998 - 295mkm pour ma femme, (achetée en 2011 à 188800km) CT OK!
4-et une SV 3.0 de 1989 (153Mkm ) ( collection )
5-Une 2.5 td exécutive de 03/1999 - 440mkm (attend un moteur)
6-une 2.5 td de 01/96 245mkm " qui dépanne"

 Sujet du message: Re: David, nouveau sur le forum !
MessagePosté: Ven 30 Sep 2022, 11:05:52 
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Inscription: Mer 09 Juil 2014, 14:53:35
Messages: 1040
Roule en: 605 TCT 2l

Peugeot 605 SRTI de 1995 190000 Km
Peugeot 306 1,8 16s de 2001 et 150 000Km

 Sujet du message: Re: David, nouveau sur le forum !
MessagePosté: Mer 23 Nov 2022, 20:15:47 
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Inscription: Lun 09 Oct 2017, 20:35:58
Messages: 423
Localisation: Chambéry
Roule en: 605 PRV ph2
Bienvenue sur le forum avec cette 605 2.1 litres Turbo Diesel de 1995 et que 175.000 km !

Peugeot 504 Coupé 1972
Citroën Visa GT 1983
Peugeot 505 GTX 1986
Peugeot 305 GTX 1987
Peugeot 405 SRi 1988
Peugeot 405 Mi16 1990
Peugeot 605 SV24 1995
Peugeot 406 Coupé Settant'anni 2001
Peugeot RCZ R 2014

 Sujet du message: slot games that pay real money
MessagePosté: Lun 10 Juin 2024, 23:40:42 
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Inscription: Sam 01 Juin 2024, 18:32:11
Messages: 1
Localisation: Kazakhstan
Roule en: 605 ES9 ph2
Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our casino games roulette tips today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:20:59 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots online free game review today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:21:29 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine apps that pay real money today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:22:02 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine games with real rewards today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:22:43 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our casino games roulette rules today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:23:23 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our real money casino games no deposit today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:23:53 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots games casino today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:24:32 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our real money casino games no deposit today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:25:08 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machines games free today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:25:46 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots online casino free today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:26:23 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine videos ng slots today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:27:00 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our casino games roulette strategy today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:27:34 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our online slots usa real money today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:28:15 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine videos this week today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:28:54 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots online real money games today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:29:29 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots online casino usa today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:30:13 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots free online today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:30:51 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our online slots casino report today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:31:21 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machines casino free big win today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:31:54 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine apps that pay real money today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:32:38 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine games today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:33:17 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots online real money bonus today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:33:56 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machines online win real money today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:34:30 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our online slots real money no deposit usa today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:35:13 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our online slots free sign up bonus today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:35:50 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slots free games today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:36:28 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machines free games 247 today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:37:10 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our canada casino games real money apps today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:37:43 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine apps that pay real money usa today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:38:26 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot cars roblox today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:38:59 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machines for sale los angeles county today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:39:37 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine gambling games rules today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:40:09 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine gambling videos today today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

-- Edit du Mar 11 Juin 2024, 0:40:42 --

Don't wait any longer to experience the thrill of online slots. Join our slot machine videos posted today today and embark on an adventure filled with fun, excitement, and endless opportunities to win. With our wide selection of games, generous bonuses, and secure environment, there's no better place to play. Sign up now and start spinning the reels for your chance to hit the jackpot!

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